Third session on my Delacroix transcription. I squeezed out cremnitz (lead) white, yellow ochre, chrome yellow, alizarin crimson, transparent red oxide, ultramarine blue, vermilion red, raw umber and ivory black, a mixture of opaque and transparent colours.

Before this session I had done one session of a monochromatic under painting using raw umber and flake white (apologies for not recording this, I will next time!). The second session was colouring in (glazing over) the monochramatic painting once it was dry, whilst adding extra white in areas to enhance the depth. This is how the painting looked before I began today's session.

For this session I worked into 'liberty's' torso and face and modelled the flag. I also worked on the head and shoulders of the two characters on the left.

The face still isn't perfectly correctly but it's progress since the last session. I can let it dry then work into it more. I added some yellow ochre and cremnitz white into the white fog surrounding her. I darkened some of the area around her shoulder and collar bone with raw umber and transparent red oxide thinned with linseed oil and zest it mix. I modelled the red of the flag by using the cremnitz white, vermilion red and a tiny bit of raw umber.

With these two I glazed some ivory black with ultramarine blue (using linseed oil and zest it mix again) over the hair, jacket and hats. I modelled the flesh tones a little more with cremnitz white, transparent red oxide and yellow ochre. I want to work down the whole canvas on the next session then go over the whole thing another 4 times to get it looking like the original I think.
